Open letter to all championship athletes

You are there.

Seriously, you made it. All year, you have looked to this, focused on this. This is the end of season event for indoor racing. You have worked day in, day out. You have smiled, cried, bled, stressed, and sweat. You are there. You are ready.

Years of work have brought you to this point, and it is only a few races. Each race will help toward the overall goal, but one race doesn't dictate how the next one will go. Treat each race as its own. If you do well, that is super. Congratulations. If you come up short, brush those shoulders off, stand up tall on those skates, and focus on that next race. Stay calm through every lap, don't panic, and don't make hasty decisions. Just skate as smart as you know how. Listen to your coach. That coach has most likely been in that position before, so they know what to expect. Race with your mind, race with your heart, but most importantly, race, knowing your competitors are feeling the same way as you. You are ready.

When you walk in to speedway, look around. Take it in. This will be your platform for the next week. There is no other than skating on that national floor. Remember the feelings, hold on to the memories that you will make. These memories will literally last a lifetime. Take that from me, you won't forget many of these moments.

In the ready area, stay relaxed, but not to relaxed. Loosen your muscles, keep your mind sharp, be focused, pay attention to your competitors. They are doing the same thing as you, and feeling those same feelings.

During every moment in Lincoln, at the venue, at the hotels, restaurants, or walking around the city, remember what you represent. Speed skating. Your coach. Your family. But most importantly, you are representing YOU. We are all one big family, and we all desire the same thing. Enjoying time on wheels.

Your competitors are your peers, so kindness will go far. You might be nervous, scared, or even doubtful, but a kind word or two can be what someone needs to hear. Be that person to lighten the mood. A "good luck" or " great race" can make a huge difference in someone's day.

Walk around the venue, check out the expo booths and vendors, and they are just as excited to be there as you are. All the major brands will have products for you to check out, see what's new, and the vendors love to talk.

Remember. You are there, you are ready, and you deserve to have the most enjoyable and fun time.

Good luck to everyone!

-Jimmy Blair II


The Sacrifices and Successes of a World-Class Athlete: Ashton Hale